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Inspired by Balinese belief, these lovely praying cats from Studio Van are hand-crafted by Montreal artist, Raymond Van. In Bali, cats are believed to be old souls who pray for people. Made in painted plaster, these praying catse in painted plaster, they are available in the 6 colors of the Tibetan elements (earth: yellow, water: white, fire: red, space: blue, wind: green, and Brass).  Size : L6x W1.5 xH9 cm.  Price: $18 each. 

Studio Van Meditating Cat (Medium)

  • Hand-made by Montreal artist, Raymond Van.  Painted plaster.  Available in the 6 colours of the Tibetan elements (earth: yellow, water: white, fire: red, space: blue, wind:green and Brass).  Size : L6x W1.5 xH9 cm.  Price: $18 each.